Det fremgår af Roadmap 2050

DOKUMENTATION. Her er hovedkonklusionerne i EU's "A Roadmap for moving to a competitive low carbon economy in 2050".
Hjalte T. H. Kragesteen

The Commission's detailed analysis of cost-effective ways of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 has produced a number of important findings.

In order to be in line with the 80 to 95% overall GHG reduction objective by 2050, the Roadmap indicates that a cost effective and gradual transition would require a 40% domestic reduction of greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990 as a milestone for 2030, and 80% for 2050. Building on what has already been achieved, the EU needs to start working now on appropriate strategies to move in this direction, and all Member States should soon develop national low carbon Roadmaps if not already done. The Commission is prepared to provide some of the necessary tools and policies.

Second, the analysis also shows that with existing policies, the EU will achieve the goal of a 20% GHG reduction domestically by 2020. If the revised Energy Efficiency Plan would be fully and effectively implemented meeting the 20% energy efficiency target, this would enable the EU to outperform the current 20% emission reduction target and achieve 25% reductions. This Communication does not suggest to set new 2020 targets, nor does it affect the EU's offer in the international negotiations to take on a 30% reduction target for 2020, if the conditions are right. This discussion continues based on the Commission Communication from 26 May 2010.

Third, as well as reducing the threat of dangerous climate change as part of ambitious global action, deep reductions in the EU's emissions have the potential to deliver benefits in the form of savings on fossil fuel imports and improvements in air quality and public health.

Fourth, the Roadmap gives ranges for emissions reductions for 2030 and 2050 for key sectors. To realise these milestones as cost-effectively as possible, and to maximise benefits for EU manufacturing industries, the implementation of the Strategic Energy Technology Plan is of crucial importance. Considering the important labour market implications, the New Skills and Jobs Agenda will need to support the transition process.

The Commission intends to use the Roadmap as a basis for developing sector specific policy initiatives and Roadmaps, such as the 2050 Energy Roadmap and the upcoming White Paper on Transport. The Commission will initiate the appropriate sectoral dialogues. The Commission will continue to ensure that the EU ETS remains a key instrument to drive low carbon investments in a cost-efficient manner. It will also remain attentive to the risk of carbon leakage in order to ensure a level-playing field for industry.

As part of the development of the next Multi-Annual Financial Framework, it will also
examine how EU funding can support instruments and investments that are necessary to promote the transition to a low carbon economy, taking into account the specificities of sectors, countries and regions.

The Commission invites the other European institutions, Member States, candidate countries as well as potential candidates, and stakeholders to take this Roadmap into account in the further development of EU, national and regional policies for achieving the low carbon economy by 2050. Internationally, the Commission will present the 2050 Roadmap to its global partners in order to stimulate international negotiations working towards global action, and will foster cooperation with countries in the EU's neighbourhood on measures to promote a resilient low carbon economy.

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