Fogh i brev: Programmet står åbent

Statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmusssen (V) har sendt dette brev (på engelsk) til sine kolleger, stats- og regeringscheferne i Europa op til Det europæiske Råds møde i dag og i morgen i København.

As negotiations with the candidate countries have not yet been finalised, it may be necessary to arrange additional meetings between the Presidency and these countries during Friday. This may, of course, lead to some changes in the above programme.

Anders Fogh Rasmussen
Statsminister og EU-formand
Dear Colleague,

I look forward to seeing you on 12-13 December in Copenhagen for our meeting in the European Council.

I intend once again to organise the meeting "in the spirit of Seville" with a focused agenda as prepared by the General Affairs and External Relations Council. I refer to the annotated agenda forwarded by GAERC, which will form the basis for our meeting.

Our meeting will begin on 12 December at 19.00 with a report by the Chairman of the Convention on the future of Europe on progress of the Convention's proceedings. This will be followed by an exchange of views.


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