Invitation til debatmøde med trafikforsker John Whitelegg den 8. december kl. 16. Defining and delivering a very low carbon future within the transportation sector

Hermed invitation til et møde, som vi er meget glade for at John Whitelegg har Ivan NOAH-Trafik Foredrag og debatmøde om transport og klima   “Defining and delivering a very low carbon future within the transportation sector”   Tidspunkt: tirsdag d. 8. December, kl. 16-18 Sted: Klimaforum09, DGI-Byen, Green Room   Arrangør: Rådet for Bæredygtig Trafik i samarbejde med NOAH-Trafik   Deltagelse er gratis og uden tilmelding   Abstract: Transport's carbon emissions continue to grow and are fed by a powerful mixture of mythology, perverse subsidies, poor quality spatial planning and streets that prioritise the car and deter the pedestrian and the cyclist.  The time has now arrived when we must move on from analysis and demonstrate clearly that a low carbon transport future is possible, desirable and deliverable.  More than this it will assist with local economic development, improvements to air quality, noise reduction, reduced obesity and a resurgence of community life and supportive neighbourhoods.  The presentation will describe a simple, attractive and effective plan to produce at least an 80% reduction in transport's carbon emissions by 2050.    Professor John Whitelegg Stockholm Environment Institute    

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