Public Seminar: Poverty Reduction, Development Programming and the Right to Health

st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }   PublicSeminar at DCISM auditorium Wednesday 17th September 2008 at 14.00pm   Plannedas part of the DFC Training Course on Integrating Human Rights in Development Programmingorganised by HLM Consult and the Danish Institute for Human Rights.       The Danish DevelopmentPolicy states that support to human rights and democratisation is vital todevelopment and poverty reduction.    Moreover, human rights area crosscutting consideration that is to be incorporated in all assistanceprogrammes – including sector programmes within agriculture, health,education, infrastructure development, etc.    The UN Human Rights Systemhas for long recognised the right to housing as a human right. Governments areobliged to provide periodic reporting on the respect, protection and fulfilmentof the right to housing under the Convention on Economic, Social and CulturalRights.  For several years a UN Special Rapportuer on the Right to Healthhas been appointed.     WHO and other key donorsactively pursue the right to health and the linkages between poverty reduction,development programmes and the right to health are now well documented. Closelylinked to health rights is the right to water and sanitation.   But just how in practiceis this reflected in development programming?   SEMINAR PROGRAMME   This public seminar is organised as part of theDanida Fellowship Training Course on Integrating Human Rights in DevelopmentProgramming (see   The organisers are pleasedthat it has been possible to make public a very interesting session of thecourse on Poverty Reduction and the Right to Health, which is bringing togethera strong panel of experts, activists, and planners for broad discussion andexploration of the theme.   14.00 Opening by CourseFacilitator: Hanne Lund Madsen 14.15  Panel debatewith contributions from Helena Nygren Krug, Human Rights Adviser, WHO.   15 - 16.00 Open plenarydebate   Participation andRegistration: We hope to see a broad engagement from the Ministry, NGOs,Consultants and Researchers, Politicians and the Nairobi Club.     Venue: th September, DCISM,Strandgade 71, Copenhagen         “There is a growing recognition that astrong health system is an essential element of a healthy and equitable society. In any society, aneffective health system is a core social institution, no less than a fair justice system ordemocratic political system. However, according to a recent publication of theWorld Health Organization, health systems in many countries are failing andcollapsing”. (Paul Hunt, A/HRC/7/11)  

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