Ny aftale med World Economic Forum gør Danmark til teknologisk prøveklud

TEKNOLOGI: Nyt partnerskab mellem Danmark og World Economic Forum betyder, at en række teknologiske løsninger måske fremover skal testes på dansk jord. Aftalen er den første af sin slags i Europa og udlægges af udenrigsminister Anders Samuelsen som en sejr for det tech-diplomati, som regeringen søsatte sidste år.

Foto: Niels Ahlmann Olesen/Ritzau Scanpix
Klaus Ulrik Mortensen

I 2013 tog regeringen det drastiske skridt at gøre alle danske geodata frit tilgængelige. Resultatet blev en øget samfundsøkonomisk gevinst på 3,5 milliarder kroner. Jeg er ikke er i tvivl om, at netop partnerskabet med WEF og fokus på de muligheder, som IoT bringer med sig, kan og vil være med til at sikre, at Danmark høster flere af den slags lavthængende digitale frugter.

Lars Chr. Lilleholt (V)

Tirsdag underskriver den danske ambassadør i Silicon Valley, Casper Klynge, en aftale med World Economic Forum (WEF), som gør Danmark til teknologisk prøveklud for den globale tænketank.

Aftalen indgås på vegne af fire danske ministre: Lars Chr. Lilleholt (V), Ellen Trane Nørby (V), Brian Mikkelsen (K) og Anders Samuelsen (LA).

Samuelsen: Hvil ikke på laurbær
Og ifølge sidstnævnte er den bevis for, at Danmark nu høster frugterne af sidste år at sende verdens første tech-ambassadør til Silicon Valley.


Big data og IoT er en central del af samarbejdet mellem Danmark og World Economic Forum. Her er parternes aftale om udvikling af IoT:

"By 2020, the number of IoT devices in the world is projected to exceed 20 billion, fueled by continued technological advances and the plummeting costs of computing, storage and connectivity. IoT deployments have considerable potential to advance the SDGs. Denmark has emerged quickly as one of the leading adopters of IoT with more connected devices per capita than almost any other country in the world. As IoT technologies continue to spread to all aspects of day-to-day life, often linked to knowledge of where individuals are located, and even become embedded in the human body, questions regarding data ownership, accuracy and privacy protection take on greater importance. Similarly, in an interconnected world where electric grids, public infrastructure, vehicles, homes and workplaces are capable of being accessed and controlled remotely, the vulnerability to cyber-attacks and the potential for these security breaches to cause serious harm are unprecedented.

In parallel with the increasing number of IoT-devices, satellite based positioning becomes more accurate. EU is launching its own navigation satellite system (Galileo) and existing GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) are being modernized. Surrounding technology such as antennas and chips are also undergoing a rapid development – soon high accuracy technology is expected to hit the mass market via smartphones etc. To a large extend these technologies underpin each other and promote each other’s development. Better data improves public decision making (due to higher definition and more detailed data) and makes it more efficient (with increased possibilities to automatize processes and to focus on local features in regulation).

Denmark has a high degree of digitalization and experience in a data driven public sector. With the high digitization, including data sets and registries of high quality, the prerequisite of making intelligent solutions with new technologies and new data types on top is present. The cooperation is intended to enhance potentials and true value of including the rapid technological developments of IoT and dynamic positioning in public administration tasks.

Collaboration in this area will focus on developing and testing new technological frameworks and tools that governments can use to accelerate IoT deployments and the use of satellite based positioning in a manner that improves operational efficiency, maximizes societal benefits, and mitigates potential risks. As a part of the project, it is intended to perform technological pilots in urban environments to gain experiences concerning applications in sectors like mobility, energy and buildings to be able to establish future fundamental digital infrastructure.

The collaboration will be anchored in the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate."

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