Seminar 9. July on "The Subject of Confinement: Psychiatric Citizenship in Prison"

st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }     “TheSubject of Confinement: Psychiatric Citizenship in Prison” Wednesday,9 July 2008, 14.00-16.00 Danish Institutefor Human Rights Nordskov Room, WildersPlads 8H, 3rd floor, 1401 Copenhagen K.     Background The use of imprisonment is on the rise in numerouscountries and currently more than nine million people are incarceratedworldwide.   Lorna A. Rhodes   Programme   14.00 -14.50    The Subjectof Confinement: Psychiatric Citizenship in Prison                           14.50 – 15.00  CoffeeBreak   15.00 – 16.00  Discussion   Chair: Peter Scharff Smith   Practical Information   The seminar will be held in English. Participation is free of charge and everybody is welcome.   Danish Institute for Human Rights(DIHR) Strandgade 56 DK-1401 Copenhagen K Denmark Ph.  (+45)32698888 Fax (+45)32698800 E-mail: Web:        

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