"Dialogues on human rights in the United States and Europe". Seminar with Professor Helle Porsdam

The Danish Institute for Human Rights has the pleasure ofinviting you to a seminar with Professor     Civil or humanrights? Dialogues on human rights in the United States and Europe   Thursday 19 February at 10:00 – 12:00     Rights – or what Mary AnnGlendon once called, in the American context, ‘rights talk´, are centralto who we are and to how we intend to solve problems on both sides of the Atlantic   Helle Porsdam holds a Professorshipof American Studies at the SAXO Institute, University   All arewelcome   The seminar takes placeat the Danish Institute for Human Rights, the Nordskov Room, Wilders Plads 8H,1401 Copenhagen K. Registration is not needed.   The seminar is part of the Human Rights Seminar Series 2009:“Europe and the Americas        

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