Institut for Menneskerettigheder: Public seminar - "How a judge thinks"

The Danish Institute for Human Rights has the pleasure of inviting you to a seminar with Professor Isi Foighel and Professor Claus Gulmann, who will be speaking on: How a judge thinks: unanimous decisions or separate opinions Tuesday 13 March at 10:00 - 12:00 The two speakers will discuss ways in which judges at international courts reflect upon their interplay with other judges as well as with the parties, and how the judge may approach the question of dissenting opinion and the formulation of the judgments. As a starting point, the two speakers will point to the practices of the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice respectively, two courts offering very different avenues. Isi Foighel and Claus Gulmann are towering figures in the Danish and European human rights world, having both played major roles in developing human rights as an academic subject and having held highly distinguished and diverse positions in public life in Denmark. Claus Gulmann served as judge at the European Court of Justice from 1994 to 2006. Isi Foighel was a judge at the European Court of Human Rights from 1988 to 1998. All are welcome The seminar takes place at the Danish Institute for Human Rights, the Nordskov Room, Wilders Plads 8H, 1401 Copenhagen K. Registration is not needed. A light sandwich lunch will be provided after the talk. The seminar is part of the Human Rights Seminar Series 2007 - Visions for Human Rights in Europe: Changing Dynamics of the European Court of Human Rights - hosted by the Danish Institute for Human Rights (see attached programme). For more information, please contact Dr. Stéphanie Lagoutte ([email protected] or 32698843) or Dr. Eva Maria Lassen ([email protected] , or 32698845).

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