[Spam - Bayes=97,41] 3rd Freemuse World Conference on Music & Censorship

Welcome to the 3rd Freemuse World Conference on Music & Censorship which will take place in Istanbul, Turkey, on 25-26 November 2006 Musicians and music presenters affected by music censorship will testify at the conference and speakers and participants will discuss music censorship and freedom of musical expression in Cuba, the Middle East, West Africa, Indonesia, Belarus, China, Zimbabwe and several other countries. Recent research on music censorship will be presented by leading researchers and media people. The conference will be hosted by Istanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi. Local partners in Istanbul will be Association for Intercultural Communication, organiser of the PERAFEST, Association for Freedom of Expression and Turkish Pen. All local partners are deeply involved in the protection of freedom of expression for artists. The conference is open to everyone but registration is necessary: http://www.freemuse.dk/sw13205.asp Klaus Slavensky Informationschef/Director Informations- og uddannelsesafdelingen/Information and Education Dept. Institut for Menneskerettigheder Danish Institute for Human Rights Tlf./Phone: (+45) 32 69 88 32 Mobil/GMS: (+45) 20 61 19 50 Strandgade 56 - 1401 Copenhagen - Denmark

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