Climate Answers Newsletter: Try a carbon neutral taxi

October 2009 Climate Answers Newsletter Share your opinion and win an iPod shuffle Please spend two minutes and share your opinion about Climate Answers Newsletter. If you click through the survey you can win a bright green Ipod Shuffle. Click here for the survey: Taxis serving the climate Amager-Øbro Taxi in Copenhagen is Denmark's first taxi firm to offer CO2 neutral transport LINK: Café table gives warm legs Two students have designed a café table with integral electric heater. It uses less energy than an outdoor gas heater. LINK: Dairy company cut emissions with planning Better planning, modern equipment and enhanced driver awareness has saved dairy business Arla Foods 600,000 litres of diesel in just two years. That adds up to a CO2 reduction of 8 percent. LINK: No break throughs in Bangkok The Bangkok meeting ended without progress on big issues. There seems to be a broad consensus on limiting temperature increases to two degrees Celsius, but there is still no consensus on how to reach that goal. Above a seemingly tired UN climate chief Yvo de Boer. LINK: Danish minister: North American politicians should learn from their European counterparts The failure to craft at least a framework of an accord will represent the loss of an opportunity that may not present itself again for years, says Denmark's Minister for Climate and Energy in an interview. LINK: Denmarks chief negotiator resigns Thomas Becker, right hand of incoming COP15 president Connie Hedegaard, has been relieved of duty with immediate notice. LINK: UNSUBSCRIBE - CONTACT COP15 - WWW.COP15.DK - TERMS OF USE -

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