Climate Answers Newsletter get a mobile biomass plant

October 2009 Climate Answers Newsletter Share your opinion and win an iPod shuffle Please spend two minutes and share your opinion about Climate Answers Newsletter. If you click through the survey you can win a bright green iPod Shuffle. LINK: Mobile biomass plants can light up developing countries Imagine if all villages in the world could get carbon neutral electricity by burning their own agricultural waste. This is no longer a distant dream but reality. A new Danish company is spreading the technology all over the world. LINK: Artificial lighting saves energy in greenhouses Halving energy consumption in the greenhouse sector: such is the ambition of a new large innovation consortium. One of the strategies employed is the development of light emitting diodes (LED lamps) which will bring down energy consumption in artificial lighting. LINK: Building outside the box Even the stick-in-the-mud financial industry can think outside the box. One of Denmark’s leading financial groups, Nykredit, is constructing a new head office block which takes account of the climate LINK: Green Lighthouse: First CO2-neutral public building in Denmark University of Copenhagen lights the way to a CO2-neutral future with new building. LINK: All aboard the COP15 Busses Free shuttle busses to drive delegates around in Copenhagen during COP15 LINK: COP15: 50 things to know with 50 days to go The UN Climate Change Conference 2009 (COP15) is only 50 days away. Prepare now with 50 of the most important facts. LINK: UNSUBSCRIBE - CONTACT COP15 - WWW.COP15.DK - TERMS OF USE -

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