EU-topmødets beslutninger

EU-topmødet i København med danske værter er slut. Udbyttet er ikke mindst beslutningen om at udvide EU med ti øst- og centraleuropæiske lande 1. maj 2004. bringer hér de samlede konklusioner fra Det europæiske Råds møde (på engelsk).

The Union now looks forward to welcoming these States as members from 1 May 2004. This achievement testifies to the common determination of the peoples of Europe to come together in a Union that has become the driving force for peace, democracy, stability and prosperity on our continent.

Det europæiske Råd
Det Europæiske Råd. Formandskabets konklusioner (engelsk version)

1. The European Council met in Copenhagen on 12 and 13 December 2002. The meeting was preceded by an exposé by the President of the European Parliament, Mr Pat Cox, followed by an exchange of views concerning the main items on the agenda.

2. The European Council heard a report by President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing on the progress of the Convention's proceedings. In the light of that report the European Council held an exchange of views on the development of the discussions. The Convention will present the result of its work in time for the European Council in June 2003.

3. The European Council in Copenhagen in 1993 launched an ambitious process to overcome the legacy of conflict and division in Europe. Today marks an unprecedented and historic milestone in completing this process with the conclusion of accession negotiations with Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia. The Union now looks forward to welcoming these States as members from 1 May 2004. This achievement testifies to the common determination of the peoples of Europe to come together in a Union that has become the driving force for peace, democracy, stability and prosperity on our continent. As fully fledged members of a Union based on solidarity, these States will play a full role in shaping the further development of the European project.

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