Jean-Claude Juncker
Henning Christophersen

Mindeord: EU-kommissionsformand Jean-Claude Juncker om Henning Christophersen (77)

Mindeord fra den luxembourgske kommissionsformand Jean-Claude Juncker om tidligere næstformand for EU-Kommissionen, dansk udenrigs- og finansminister samt formand for Venstre Henning Christophersen, der blev 77 år gammel.

Anders Redder

The news of Henning Christophersen's passing away has deeply saddened me. Personally, I lose a faithful friend, one of the early architects of the Single Market and of the Euro.

During his time as Vice-President of the European Commission for Budget and later for Economic and Financial Affairs from 1985 to 1995, Henning Christophersen decisively contributed to the preparations of the launch of the Euro and of the Economic and Monetary Union.

Through his pioneering work on Transeuropean Networks, he also played a big role in the realisation of the Internal Market.

He continued to play an active role as both a committed European and a proud Dane right until the end of his life.

Today my thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.

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Omtalte personer

Jean-Claude Juncker

Fhv. formand, Europa-Kommissionen (Kristelige Sociale Folkeparti, Luxemburg)
cand.jur. (Strasbourg Uni. 1979)

Henning Christophersen

Bestyrelsesformand, Metroselskabet, fhv. næstformand, Europa-Kommissionen, fhv. MF (V), minister og partiformand
cand.polit. (Københavns Uni. 1965)

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