Connies tale: Lad os få det gjort

DOKUMENTATION: Læs her ministeren for FN's klimakonference i København i 2009, Connie Hedegaards (K) tale ved åbningen af COP15.

Thank you for the election. I promise you, as president I will do my very best to listen and ensure transparency. Thank you also very much minister Nowicki for your personal strong commitment. It has been a pleasure to work with you.

For a long time, Copenhagen was the name of a distant deadline. Next year, next COP, next month... But now it is now! Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Danish capital! After 'B' for Bonn, Bangkok, and Barcelona the turn has come to 'C'. C for Copenhagen. But also C for Constructiveness, C for Cooperation, and hopefully in the end C for Commitment and Consensus!

In short: let's get it done! This is the time to deliver! THIS is the place to commit. And yes there are still many obstacles. But it is up to us to overcome them. And it is do-able.

I base my confidence on the daily contacts with Ministers representing every group and every continent and I appreciate the trust and overwhelming support Ministers and governments have granted to me, to the secretariat and to the Chairs.

And make no mistake: Denmark is committed to maximum progress in the two tracks - the Convention track and the Kyoto Protocol and to ensure successful and ambitious outcomes! TO GET IT DONE! The science has never been clearer. The solutions have never been more abundant. Political will has never been stronger. And let me warn you: Political will will never be stronger. This is our chance. If we miss it, it could take years before we got a new and better one. If ever.


Actually the truth is that the Copenhagen deadline already works. In recent months, many developed countries have announced economy-wide emission reductions.

And many developing countries have indicated ambitious national actions as their contributions to the global effort: China, Brazil, Mexico, South Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, a few days ago India and last night South Africa - just to mention a few.

Every positive announcement will improve our chances of staying below the two degrees celcius target. But as we all know only too well: We are not there yet. This goes for financing as well.


And finance may be an even bigger challenge. We have seen some positive dynamics on structure and amounts.

But in the next two weeks we need to work really hard and find both public and private money. Especially, we need money you can count on in the long-term.

It is crucial that we ensure a new, additional and predictable financial flow for mitigation, adaptation, technology, and capacity building in developing countries.


Dear negotiators! This year, you have had weeks of extra negotiating time. Since June, you have worked with negotiation text. Preparations have been unparalleled! And I know that your friends and families expect you to be less busy next year. But that means we must get it done now!

Your ability to make progress this first week, is a precondition for the success of all of us next week.

Therefore: Compromise! Agree! Find concrete solutions! Use every skill available to pave the way for ministers and leaders to finalize the deal!

We conclude COP15 when our leaders join us! And leaders have made it clear: They expect to adopt a global agreement eleven days from now, that includes the results of your work under both the AWG-LCA and the AWG-KP.

That provides the most powerful push and the strongest incentive to conclude your work.


Finally: To those that may still hold back ambition, fearing their economies will suffer:

We don't have to choose between economic growth or climate conservation! A global deal will drive job creation! A global deal will drive competitive advantage! A global deal will drive energy security!

Ladies and gentlemen, let's get it done! The time has come to set the right course for our world - while we still can!

The Agreement we adopt in Copenhagen must be comprehensive! It must deliver on all major questions across the building blocks! It must launch immediate action! And it must capture all the progress in the UNFCCC up until now!

Let us on December 18 look each other straight in the eyes, and take satisfaction in the fact that we ALL gave our very best to the defining gathering of a generation! Let Copenhagen be remembered for the spirit of ‘C' - constructiveness and cooperation leading to commitment and consensus.

Let's mark this meeting in history! Let's open the door to the low-carbon age! Let's get it done! Now!

Politik har aldrig været vigtigere

Få GRATIS nyheder fra Danmarks største politiske redaktion

Omtalte personer

Connie Hedegaard

Formand, OECD’s Round Table for Sustainable Development, fhv. minister & MF (K), EU-kommissær, bestyrelsesmedlem i Danfoss, Villum fonden og BBVA
cand.mag. i historie og litteraturvidenskab (Københavns Uni. 1991)

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